The Fiction: The Greatest Hits EP

Posted on the 24 March 2012 by Hctf @hctf

Manchester rock trio The Fiction dress like Victorian gents, so it makes sense to call their music something like stream grunge. Naming your debut The Greatest Hits EP is bold move for a quartet of shoestring budget recordings, but their enthusiasm is matched by their songwrting abilities. Think of mix between the aplomb of Soundgarden and the anger of The Jam.

With their typical English blend of bravado, succint lyrics and looking sharp, The Fiction's dreams of bigger thing might become a reality.

The Greatest Hits EP is a self-released album. Buy it from the band's website. Digital is pay-what-you want.

  1. The Union
  2. Never Enough
  3. Worlds Apart
  4. Bragging Rights

The acoustic bonus track Medicate can be downloaded form the band's Facebook

Live dates:
  • 04/06 Prestwich, UK @ V-Prest Festival - The Railway and Nat
  • 04/08 Manchester, UK @ Satans Hollow (w/ Obsessive Compulsive + Boddickers)
  • 05/27 Preston, UK @ Dog & Partridge (w/ Hell To Pay)
