The Dreamfields Pasta Fraud Finally Results in an 8 Million Dollar Fine!

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Fined 8M

Let this be a warning to all companies shamelessly selling “low-carb” fake products.

Dreamfields, the biggest brand of “low-carb” pasta, has for a long time lived on a blatant lie. I tested their pasta several years ago and found that it raised my blood sugar dramatically, much like regular pasta. When scientists later examined the matter, they found no difference at all between the “low-carb” pasta and regular pasta from the grocery store!

The pasta was included as an example of low-carb frauds in my presentation ”The Food Revolution”, with over 400,000 views on YouTube.

American lawyers filed a class action lawsuit this summer against Dreamfields, and the settlement papers were filed on Monday. The company gave up even before the trial and confessed. Their fine will be $7.9 million. Most of the money is reserved for reimbursing customers. If you bought the fraud pasta between 2004 and 2014 you are entitled to get your money back.

Law360: Pasta Maker Forks Over $8M In Low-Carb Labeling Deal

You read the time frame right. Dreamfields has continued with this blatant fraud for TEN YEARS and the brand has been a best seller. The makers have destroyed health and weight effects from a low-carb diet for countless people.

Dreamfields will now change the labeling for their product to something less deceptive. But there are still thousands of low-carb frauds out there that are just as bad from other companies. 


The Dreamfields Pasta Fraud – the Test


All tested low-carb products

How to Avoid Low-Carb Scams

Why You Should Never Trust a Low-Carb Label

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