The Digit-al Dozen Does: Neons - Look 4

By Alittlepolish @oblassa

The Digit-al Dozen Does: Neons - Look 4

Today I have busted out some older colors for my Thursday look; check it out!

The Digit-al Dozen Does: Neons - Look 4

The Digit-al Dozen Does: Neons - Look 4

Polish Used:
-Salon Perfect - Yowsa Yellow
-Salon Perfect - Haute Pink

These colors were pretty hard to capture (story of my life); but trust me, this look was BRIGHT in person. It was pretty interesting that when I tried the blobbicure technique with these neons, it didn't really work out as it had with other blobbicures from the past . It must have had something to do with the formulas of the neons. Of course, check out my Instagram for some more pictures of this look.