The Digit-al Dozen Does: Nature - Look 4

By Alittlepolish @oblassa

For today's look I turned to, what else, Pinterest for some Nature inspiration. I found THIS picture of the formations in Antelope Canyon, Arizona and decided to create a look inspired by it.

My look is a little bit of an abstract interpretation based off of the colors and texture of the rocks, and sort of has a similar vibe. I started with a nude base and used a mix of acrylic paints for the colored rocks. I really liked the feel that this look had when I was done.
Another fun thing when I was doing this was remembering how much I wanted to go on vacation to see the awesome landscapes across the States, we always say we will do sightseeing on our vacations and either never end up going on a vacation or going to the beach, lol. Maybe next year!
Let's see what the other ladies are doing today with their Nature looks!
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