The Digit-al Dozen Does: Geometric - Look 2

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
The Digit-al Dozen Does: Geometric - Look 2
For my second geometric look I decided to go with something more abstract / angular using nail vinyls. Check it out:
The Digit-al Dozen Does: Geometric - Look 2
The Digit-al Dozen Does: Geometric - Look 2
The Digit-al Dozen Does: Geometric - Look 2
Polishes Used:
-KBShimmer - Radient Orchid
-Pahlish - Typewriter Keys
-LA Colors - Gold Glitter
To be honest the colors in this look were/are super random to me and nothing that I would ever put together, but I was really just sort of trying something different and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised that they sort of worked nicely together; an unexpected combination so to say.
Be sure to check out the other ladies geometric nails below:

An InLinkz Link-up