The Digit-al Dozen Does: Childhood - Look 2

By Alittlepolish @oblassa
The Digit-al Dozen Does: Childhood - Look 2
I'm back with look #2 today and to be honest this one is a doozy. When I was in elementary school, my sister and I shared a room and we had matching peach and light blue floral comforters. This look was supposed to be inspired by that.
The Digit-al Dozen Does: Childhood - Look 2
The Digit-al Dozen Does: Childhood - Look 2
The Digit-al Dozen Does: Childhood - Look 2
Polishes Used:
-China Glaze - Sun of a Peach
-Barielle - First Class Ticket
As you can see (or can't see...) since the peach was leaning neon it ate up the blue when I photographed it. I haven't ever had this happen before and I was sad to see that it did this. (Has this happened to anyone else before?)
I did take a picture with my phone which allows you to see the colors a little better:

This one was quite a disappointment in the pictures but was pretty and subtle in real life.
Hopefully the other girls rocked out their second Childhood looks a little better than I did!

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