The Chop!

By Amandainneverland @amandajtweets
Hi girlies,

Sorry I've been so vacant over January. To say I've been busy is an understatement. I've had exams, assignment hands ins and have been involved with producing a breakfast show for online station, Active Radio. (Have a little listen if you like your high energy music and enjoy fitness!) But, alas, it will all be over this time next month. In fact, 1st Feburary I'll be a free woman!

Well, I say free, I'll still have my dissertation and a production project to focus on, but one lecture a week and managing my own times sounds like utter heaven! It will also give me time to dedicate myself to blogging again. It's such a shame that this blog seems to be the first thing that seems to get cut down on when I'm busy.

Anyway, as earlier posts suggest, I've only bloody gone and cut off my hair!

my 15" ponytail is now in the loving hands of the Little Princess Trust, and it will be made into a wig for children who have lost their hair threw chemo. I've also raised £150 so far including offline donations, and my JustGiving page is still open for anyone who would like to donate.

I also want to say a HUGE HUGE thank you to fellow blogger, Jess at 'freckles'. She was my first donation!

So, here are some pictures during the big chop:

Overall, I absolutely love it! All of these pictures were took the day I had it cut and styled, and to be honest, in these pictures, it's a little more 'poofy' than how I style it now, but you'll see it more when I start posting OOTD posts again. - I haven't gotten round to taking more pictures of my hair yet, because I am lazy! 

So many people told me to keep my hair long as I'll be able to do so much more with it in terms of style, and honestly, I couldn't disagree more. With my pixie I can straighten it, mess it up, spike it, slick it. I can make it punky and also feminine.

Time to spend a ridiculous amount of money on hair clips and bows, I think! :)