The Cara Brow

By Hayley Adams @hayleybethadams

I don't normally use Maybelline products, but when I do, eye browse... (good one, Jaz).

On a day to day basis I don't tend to mess around with my brows too much - no one has got time for that - but if I don't use something, I often run the risk of looking like Cara Delevigne with the bleached brows. Generally I like to keep my eyebrows looking defined but relatively natural and this just gets that DONE. It takes 2 minutes to sweep and groom each brow to perfection leaving them perfectly shaped and a shade more like my hair color.
This bad boy doesn't just do natural, oh no. It layers so nicely, so on the nights out or days where I have a little more time to primp and preen myself I like to smooth this on my filled in brows to give them the bushy look we all like.
I just don't feel like my face looks finished without a slick of this, so Maybelline, thank God eye browsed...