Life is a no Fairytale but every girl dreams of one. The perfect setting, the perfect guy, the perfect family and the perfect children! And definitely knows that there is nothing like perfect and yet dreaming of one comes very natural to a girl. I was no exception !!Well, reality hits everyone with fear one time or the other. It sure did me too.I had the perfect guy, the perfect home, the perfect kid and yet I faced challenges which I haven’t dreamt of. Having everything on one hand and knowing that you got to risk it all to get the things right is the biggest fear a girl can have. Realization that there’s She, herself, her own being important too above all is the biggest fact one knows pretty late too.Fighting for a position and/or a job is not new, but fighting for a relation that’s ever so delicate that even a tiniest blow of wind in wrong direction can blow away the chances of having a life worth living for is the challenge most of us face today and that includes me too.I have worked in Human Resources for 5 long years. When I began, I knew nothing and I grew up to a stage where I could handle my own clients and convince any candidate to take up the job with my client if only I was given few mins to talk. But job is one and life is another all together. No amount of sweet talk and convincing skills help in maintaining that perfect balance in relations, a harmonious balance at home. The fear of doing wrong, the fear of not being perfect, the fear of how others would perceive; troubles every living soul on the earth and it did to me too. While a full time job requires your presence and attention for the specified working hours; life and relations require 24/7… 365 days …. and all the seconds and minutes and hours you have. I have seen friends and family members going through breakups and broken relationships, that fear grips me every day and that fear is sure shot a slow poison to me. Despite of that and the endless numerous nerve wrecking fights I have with my partner, keeping the goal clear; to fight the issue and not the person helps. Jobs are endless, opportunities to make a new career again are limitless; pay attention to life, to the loved ones and the family. That’s the only secret to success in life because no amount of money and great position can fill up an emptiness that love of the family can do. Like they say, Courage is not the absence of fear but a mere judgment that something is more important than fear. Take a chance, stand up for what you believe in and stand up against what scares you most and Raise Above the Fear!Because if you want a Fairytale my dear, be your own kind of princess and make it happen! And that's what i tell myself everyday *-*This post is a part of the Indiblogger-Mountain Dew contest.Links -
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