The Boyfriend Chronicles: How To Write The Perfect Blog Post

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

It’s that time of the month! No… not that time, fortunately for Will. It’s time for:

The Boyfriend Chronicles via Fitful Focus

Hello fit and focused friends of Fitful Focus, and welcome back to The Boyfriend Chronicles. This installment we talk about blog posts and how you all can help.

Nicole started this blog when we moved in together, just over 2 years ago. Part of me has always wondered if she actually started the blog because she was bored of talking with me and needed something to occupy her time. Hmm, let’s not think about that too much. ANYWAY, since she’s started this blog, I’ve watched her sit at her computer night after night writing posts, creating giveaways, and networking with all of you people. Until she let me have a taste of it myself, via The Boyfriend Chronicles, I thought this stuff was a piece of cake. YEAH RIGHT. How do you all do it!?

Since The Boyfriend Chronicles started, I’ve written 5 posts, including this one, and they take me about a month each to write. Now, I’m no math major, but that doesn’t seem very efficient. What I’ve come to learn is that my process for writing these blog posts goes a little something like this:

How To Write The Perfect Blog Post via Fitful Focus

  1. brainstorm what to write about  
  2. question whether that topic will live up to the standard of the other posts
  3. question own creative ability
  4. get depressed about lack of creative ability
  5. have moment of genius
  6. come out of depression
  7. quickly write post last minute because it’s due the next day
  8. sleep off blog related stress
  9. repeat steps 1-8.

Loving The Boyfriend Chronicles’ how-to on writing the perfect blog post! Time to get to writing..
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Given the sheer number of you that write posts multiple times a week, I can’t imagine that my process is the same as yours – so I ask, can you help a brother out? Give me some advice here, because it’s draining getting depressed every month. Also, as a side note, it could be the ongoing Paleo diet that is causing these mood swings, so let’s not totally rule that out.

I think the biggest thing I struggle with is the open ended-ness of the posts (and maybe the English language). When you were in grade school did your teacher ever assign you an essay that could be about anything you wanted? They were ALWAYS the hardest essays to write. Especially because you knew you couldn’t ACTUALLY write about ANYTHING you wanted. I’ll never forget my history teacher in middle school making me redo my essay because I wrote about my remote control car on an essay she said we could write about anything. Talk about ambiguous directions, amiright? If the teacher had said she wanted me to write about the civil war, that would have been much easier than writing about ANYTHING.   To that, is there anything that you, as a reader, would be interested in reading about? Use the comments section to tell me about blog or fitness related things you experience with your husbands, boyfriends, significant others, and beyond and I’ll see if I can incorporate them into the next post.

Until then, I’ll be here counting down the days until my Paleo diet ends (2 weeks to go!!!) and thinking about what to write for next month…  

Oh and don’t forget to join Nicole tomorrow for the Fit & Fashionable Friday Link Up.