The Body Shop Shimmer Cubes Palette 07

By Kwilliford @ExquisiteEczema
I have wanted to try this product for the longest time, and it did not disappoint.  In fact, it exceeded my expectations and ranks high on my list of favorite products.  Like the name implies, these shadows are shimmery. I prefer shimmery shadows, so this is not an issue for me, even though I experienced some minor fall out.  The shadows are soft, smooth and very easy to blend.  The pigment is also wonderful. I also like the packaging.  The cubes come in a larger square, but they are individual and can be removed for whatever reason. The shades included are a dusty silver, ruby, rich bronze and argyle pink.  Dusted silver is the top left cube, I'm guessing ruby is below that, argyle pink is the top right and rich bronze is in the bottom right.  I have some difficulty in telling which of the shades is which, with the exception of rich bronze and dusted silver. Ruby (bottom left) actually swatches lighter than what it looks, but it is a beautiful shade. My favorite color is probably argyle pink because it does not apply like what you would expect.  It looks almost black in the container, but swatches a gorgeous pinky purple. You can wear these wet or dry, but I cannot stand applying wet shadow for some reason. And I think these actually work better when used dry.  When applied wet, the become a little more difficult to blend and loose some of their pigment. The Body Shop's site lists one of the ingredients as marula oil, which is full of antioxidants and is moisturizing. But you cannot get this particular palette online; I had to go to the store to find it. They also describe the shadows as crease resistant (true) and iridescent (also true). I have experienced no irritation with any of their products and so far have loved everything. This is the first of many reviews from The Body Shop =)
Links to previous "The Body Shop" posts:
Vitamin C Skin Boost and Energizing Face Mist
The Body Shop Haul #2 and Mini-Review
My First Haul From The Body Shop

   Colors left to right: dusted silver, argyle pink, ruby and rich bronze.
The first picture is taken just after application and the next was taken about 8 hours later.