The Body Shop Satsuma Body Polish Review.

By Poorva @beautifuljrny

I’ve wanted to try a body polish from The Body Shop since a very long time but somehow never got around to buying it. I’d heard so much good stuff about this body polish and now that I’ve finally tried it I’ll share my experience with you guys

I got this body polish in my Black Friday TBS Tote bag that I showed you here. The bag had some amazing goodies and this is one of them

Okay, one confession, you all know I’m such a big TBS fan BUT I had never smelled their ‘Satsuma’ flavor before!

No, I’m not joking! I had seen and read about the Satsuma stuff, but though I am fond of oranges, I always thought it’s just a simple orange smell, there won’t be anything special about it. I preferred to choose the strawberries, chocolates over orange

So, when I got this body polish in Satsuma, my first thought was, it would have been better if I had got it in Strawberry

But then the story changed completely when I opened the lid and the smell hit me.

Oh My God!! This stuff smells completely utterly delicious!

Let’s get on with the more detailed review –

The Body Shop Satsuma body polish comes in an inverted plastic transparent tube. The tube is hygienic and convenient to use. It has a flip open cap which dispenses the product easily and in right quantity. and with the pretty orange gel with granules inside it, the tube looks attractive sitting on my bathroom shelf

When you flip open the lid, the fragrance of Satsuma comes straight out to you! It is such a lovely fresh citrusy fragrance, I am honestly in love with it. It smells of freshly squeezed oranges. The fragrance itself makes my whole bath a different experience altogether. I love love love the fragrance! I can imagine this to feel even more amazing in the summers! Aahhh… fresh oranges in my bath in hot summers

The texture of this body polish is beautiful!!!!! It is definitely in my top scrubs now!

This is gel based and is filled with granules for scrubbing. It is not a mild scrub but not a harsh scrub either. It’s more like a gel based body wash with lots of granules. It has granules of walnut shells and some fruit seeds(kiwi?). It doesn’t give much lather. It does its job and exfoliates skin very well. But it is not a hard core body scrub, it’s more of a scrub one can use often instead of once a week. It makes my skin so so soft and my skin instantly feels fresh and has a super clean feeling after using this! It rinses off properly and doesn’t leave any residue on the skin. The scrub doesn’t have a drying nature as my skin feels hydrated after using it. In extreme winters or very dry skin days, I need to follow up with a good moisturizer but I can go without one in normal days.

The fragrance also softly lingers for a few hours on my skin which I love! I always want products whose fragrance would not vanish away as soon as I come out of my bath. And I am so glad this lovely Satsuma fragrance lingers around me for some time J

I guess using its corresponding moisturizer would make the smell stay for the whole day!

I find this body polish gives me a spa like experience mainly because of the heavenly fragrance, I think. It feels so good to use this

I don’t know if it’s psychological or what but I always tend to use this body polish in more quantity each time I use it. I just keep squeezing out from the tube and slathering on my body or I think this is not a product that suffices if used in small quantities. This is definitely not a product for which you can say a little goes a long way. Or maybe it’s only because I love using it and can’t stop myself from using it daily But whatever the reason, for me, this one will get over soon and my tube is almost getting over

This retails for Rs.595 in India and $20 in USA, though often on discount and you can easily get it for around $10-12. Yes, it’s cheaper in India than in US

For this price, the quantity we get is 200ml. I feel the product is completely worth the price. And I would never regret spending on this body polish. Also I feel at Rs.595, this is one the more affordable products at TBS so just go and buy it!!!

I generally do not repurchase bath and body products as I get bored of them and want to try new stuff all the time. But this is something I will definitely repurchase once my other scrubs are over as I am completely in love with it

Overall, it is an amazing scrub, one of the best I’ve used. It exfoliates brilliantly and gives a wonderful bath experience making skin soft smooth and well hydrated! The fragrance is lovely to say the least! You need to try this! Highly recommended!

Price: Rs.595 in India and $20 in US. For 200ml.

Available at all TBS stores and online.

Also available in Strawberry and holiday flavors like Vanilla bliss, Cranberry joy etc.


Why you’ll like it:

1)   Convenient and hygienic packaging.

2)   Amazing orange fragrance!!!!

3)   Exfoliates very well.

4)   Makes skin soft and smooth.

5)   Makes you feel super fresh.

6)   Hydrating.

7)   Not very expensive.

Why you’ll dislike it:

You just can’t dislike it!

To buy or not to buy?

Buy it right now!!!!

