The Body Shop Bargain!

By Kerysmarie @littleboblab
  I found myself having a paddy in my bedroom yesterday after realising my moisturiser was one use away from empty!  -Picture me stomping around like a 4 year old on a sugar rampage-   Lush is my usual port of call for all things body creamy, as I'm allergic to the world & they're usually able to cater for my overly sensitive skin.
(although the Leeds staff tend to run when they see me coming!)
 But unfortunately we don't have a Lush in Huddersfield so I had a gander in the Body Shop instead.     Coconut body butter RRP £13 Sale price (Inc. discount card) £5.20   I geared myself up to spend at least £15. I'm skint (still waiting for my student loan to arrive) but I need something of a fair quality for my pasty sensitive skin, so the £££'s really do count.   Well, I definitely picked the right day to visit.. All body butters were a fabulous 50% off! I got some great help from a lad working there too, he kindly looked on all of the pots ingredient stickers to make sure there were no nasties that would disagree with me. I love fruity or floral scents, but as it turns out the only body butter that doesn't contain an ingredient I have a reaction to is coconut. Even though it's not my favorite smell, because of the heavy discount I decided to suck it up and buy it anyway. It does smell lovely, but it just wouldn't be my first choice.   After trying it I'm pleased to report I smelt yummy (I've definitely become a coconut convert) & my skin feels amazingly soft & smooth. I'm not sure if that's entirely thanks to the body butter, because I did exfoliate in the shower before using it with a scrub I got in my Avocado Brother Amazene hamper. But never the less, I'm really pleased with the overall result.   Thanks to the 50% off  plus my The Body Shop discount/points card 20% off on top, it meant I actually only paid £5.20, which made a very poor student very happy!   Whats your favorite body butter smell?