The Best Salad to Balance Hormones (Quick, Low Carb, High Protein)

By Healyounaturally @healU_naturally

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Salads don't have to be boring, bland, or dry- at least not my hormone balancing salad.. or my food in general!
Being that, keto diet skimps on carbs, salads are the ideal dish for packing on the protein, healthy fats, and all the veggies YOU love. If you are looking to balance hormones. Hello??? Estrogen dominance crew?
How about the low progesterone tribe?
No worries this high protein low carb salad is the perfect side, main, lunch, or dinner for all your healthy lifestyle needs.

This salad helps balance hormones because of its nutritional composition with ingredients (I explain the benefits next to ingredients. However, you can check my other recipes here.

As always, let's jump right in. Here is the recipe:

Hormone Balancing Salad- Low Carb & Super Quick To Make

Finally, since we are in the topic of balancing hormones, Golden Milk made with my famous Ancient Golden Paste is a great hormone- balancing concoction, and it's also warming, soothing, and delicious. The combination of turmeric, coconut oil, coconut milk, sweeteners, and spices is warming and rejuvenating, and it's something I personally drink regularly and recommend to those with all kinds of endocrine issues.

Want to learn how to balance hormones by addressing the root cause- The only way for me? Listen to my podcast Episode #20 with one of the most knowledgable people in the industry and the Queen of Hormones, womens' health, and metabolism. Dr. Carrie Jones.

Your turn. What is your favorite meal or drink to help balance hormones? Share with us below.