The Benefits of Pursuing Esthetician Training in Colorado

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

An esthetic career involves cosmetic skincare and can be done in various settings, from spas to destination resorts. You can provide luxury esthetic services like facials and pore cleansing, as well as makeup artistry and prescriptive retailing.

Many estheticians work in salons and other personal care facilities, but you can also choose to be a freelance professional or open your own salon. The benefits of pursuing esthetician training include the following:

Earn a Bachelor's Degree

Skincare professionals, known as estheticians, apply beauty treatments such as facials and consultations. Some even give clients advice on how to preserve healthy skin.

A master esthetician, on the other hand, is a licensed professional with advanced skills that may include microdermabrasion and chemical peels. In addition, they may perform lash extensions or waxing techniques.

Medical estheticians are often employed in hospitals and rehabilitation centers to help patients feel better about themselves after dealing with serious illnesses or trauma. For example, they can help burn victims deal with their delicate skin or assist people on chemotherapy in locating acceptable wigs.

Gain a Diverse Skill Set

The field of esthetics offers a variety of career opportunities. It involves cosmetic skincare and includes services like pore cleansing, facials, and hair removal. Estheticians can also work in medical settings and provide treatments like aromatherapy for clients recovering from surgery or illness.

In addition to learning the technical skills required, an esthetician will need sales skills to help bring in new business and increase profits. Many estheticians sell lines of skin care products that complement their client's treatments.

If you are considering becoming an esthetician, enroll in Esthetician Training Colorado, which has high standards. Select a program that offers the full-time option or evenings & weekends so you can balance work and family commitments while getting the hands-on training you need to start your career.

Gain Confidence in Your Skills

When you complete your training, you'll have the confidence to know that you can perform a variety of skincare treatments and techniques. Your program will teach you classical professional techniques alongside innovations in the industry, allowing you to offer your clients the most up-to-date services.

After graduation, you'll be able to work around your schedule. Whether you work from a salon, med spa, or home, you can set hours that fit your other commitments. Depending on client appointment times, you may even be able to do your work early in the day or late at night.

Work Around Your Schedule

A career as an esthetician (sometimes spelled "aesthetician") allows you to work around your schedule. Many estheticians work part-time, allowing them to build up a clientele while balancing family and other personal commitments.

In addition, most esthetician programs have flexible class times that allow students to attend courses during the day or evening. As a full-time student, you would spend about 37.5 hours each week in class and could complete the program in as few as six months.

Once licensed, you can work in a spa or salon, cosmetic company, medical office, wax center, or department store, or even be self-employed and open your own business. With such a wide range of opportunities, it's no wonder that many people find esthetics a rewarding career choice.

Work in a Variety of Settings

As an esthetician, you can work in various settings, including spas, salons, and cosmetic centers. In addition, medical estheticians often work in dermatology offices, helping clients treat skin diseases. Some also work in plastic surgery clinics, assisting post-surgery patients. Medical spas, which are set up like regular spas but offer treatments under the supervision of physicians, are another popular workplace for estheticians.

With all this variety, you can choose the setting that best suits your interests and skills. For example, if you love working on vacationers, Colorado has many ski resorts, where you can find various jobs servicing visitors looking for relaxation and beauty treatments. You can also work in your own private business once you become licensed.