The Beauty Blogger Tag ! :)

By Khaddu @LilMPerfect

Hey everyone :)
How are you all doing ? Recently I was tagged by my dear friend Poorva for this fun tag . It’s the beauty bloggers tag . Have u checked out Poorva’sgiveaway ? Check it now and make sure you take part : here . Some amazing stuff you can win ! :)
So, getting down to business , here are the rules to do this tag:
1. State who the tag was created by: All Things Beautiful 
2. Tag five beauty bloggers, and
3. Title this like I have done to state what the tag is about.
1. Name a beauty routine you barely do.
Sunscreen! I know I know, am digging my own grave. But somehow on most days I miss getting my sun protection on my face :(. Yes , I know your going all tch tch tch … but I use an umbrella . Still doesn’t reverse the damage does it ! :( . 
Also, I somehow miss using my Retin –A cream every night. Cos it makes my skin peel and I look like someone whacked me with a cheese grater the next morning! Hmmph ! 
2. Is washing your makeup brushes something you do regularly?  
Yes. As and when they need a shower I give ‘em a shower . Lol . No, seriously I clean my brushes regularly .
3. How long will you last with chipped nail varnish?
3-4 days max. I either wear a different color after that or leave my nails bare!
4. How long do you put off buying/replacing a beauty or nail polish product even if you need it (i.e., top coat, foundation and so on)?
Yea in the middle of a crazy week I ll have to put it off till the weekend. Not more that that I guess.I either get a replacement or a similar new product to try!:D
5. What is your worst beauty habit?
Not getting enough exercise, not getting enough water and compromising on my beauty sleep! Youtube … why u be so addictive??  :( 

6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time.
Oh, nobody can beat me at this! That workout that I was supposed to do last year …? I still haven gotten around to it! And what else …. Ummm I ll let you know tomorrow., :P yawn … !
7. When going out somewhere, do you leave getting ready until the last minute or not?
I get ready well within time. If I know I have too much dolling up to do: P , I start early ! After all it’s better to arrive late than to arrive ugly! :P Know ?
8. Can you commit to spending bans?
No way! I cannot put my soul through such torture! It’s the physiological need of my body to shop every now and then: P.
I cannot make such commitments’ even if my life depended on it! ;)
9. How organized is your makeup and nail polish collections? 
Depends on what day of the week it is. Over the weekends am very organized – arranging and re arranging my stuff over and over again. In the middle of a crazy I have been charged guilty for leaving my blush in odd places ( sink , on the bed , in the kitchen ) and rushing out to work ! :P
10. What is the longest time you’ve gone without writing a blog post? 
Ahem , almost 3 weeks ! Or maybe more: P .
And finally I tag the following beautiful ladies : 

I would love to read everybody else's answers in the comments below  ! :) Your tagged ! :D 
Have a great weekend ! :D
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