Here’s a line that got my attention recently:
Digital marketing works because the audience humiliates you each and every day.
Mike Johnston goes on to explain why that’s a good thing:
Audiences know. That’s why digital marketers have so much success. They test different approaches in front of different audiences. The audience tells them what works best.
Why test? We get too close to our own ideas. We become defensive, blind to weaknesses and potential problems.
Wilder’s original concept was different: a city morgue scene where the corpse tells his sad story to the other dead bodies. Preview audiences roared with laughter at the scene. Wilder cut it, and opened with the body floating in the pool, with Holden doing voice-over narration to tell the story of his demise.
(For more information about Facebook ads, see Jamie Doerschuck’s Ultimate Guide To Facebook Ads.)
But testing costs money. What if you’re a one-person shop or a small business with a limited budget?
You can still experiment with different approaches on your site: different layouts and calls to action, for example. Same with content. WordPress Stats and Google Analytics are free tools that will tell you what posts are generating the most engagement. Social media platforms like Twitter also provide analytics that tell you what’s working and what’s not.
Ah, there’s the rub. There are “rules” for every art form: writing, art, music composition, marketing– you name it. You have to know the rules, and sometimes you have to break them.
Take Billy Wilder again. He made Sunset Boulevard in 1950. He made Some Like It Hot, another famous classic, in 1959. Entertainment columnist Paul Whitington writes:
“The producers wanted to tinker with the finished film after it screened poorly for test audiences, but Wilder stood his ground. ‘This is a very funny movie,’ he said, ‘and I believe in it just as it is.'”
The American Film Institute ranks Some Like It Hot, starring Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, and Marilyn Monroe, as the greatest comedy of all time.