“The Answer My Friend is Blowin’ in the Wind” -Bob Dylan

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx

Right now I really can’t get enough of day dresses (maxi, mini, hi-lto… whatever). Honestly, once winter hits I never wear dresses, but in the summertime- my frocks love to come out and play! As I am sure you also have noticed, I am a bit addicted to wearing black- with a girly spin on it of course! I even tried to make myself a promise not to buy anymore black for the year of 2012… but that clearly did NOT work. Even during the summer time, I love to wear black. It is classic, timeless, and always chic. Especially when there is a peek of skin, a bit of chiffon, and some tribal print!

Finally my hair is growing out, kind of loving this natural ombre look. No salon needed for me.

Lace midriff dress found here, crystal necklace- similar style found here, feather bullet necklace from my man- similar style found here.

Cute oxford lace ups- similar style found here (kind of similar, but maybe cuter).

BYEEEEEEEEE! Time to watch the Bachelor!!!!! Yay.