The Amazing Spider-Man Goes Viral

Posted on the 19 March 2012 by Kittyfairy @KittyFairy
One of the aspects of the film industry, that I love more than anything, is the way that with the rise of the internet, marketing has become so creative. With The Dark Knight, back in 2007-2008, Chris Nolan had a field day playing around with fans, with snippets of information relating to Heath Ledger's The Joker. And more recently, Lionsgate have been toying with Hunger Games fans with a variety of websites and games. So, it's always intriguing to see how competitive and interesting marketing departments are going to go, in order to intrigue the fans enough to get them talking about the film in question.
The latest viral marketing attempt comes from the marketers of The Amazing Spider-Man which is one of those films that even though it's release isn't that far away, still appears to have been relatively quiet in terms of marketing. And I don't know about anyone else, but I struggled to even find images of Andrew Garfield for my recent Top Six: Film Geeks article!
Nevertheless, we've finally been introduced to Captain Stacy (Father of Gwen), in what I have to say, I find the weirdest form of viral marketing, because I found it actually to be quite boring. I didn't even finish watching the video, because it just didn't hold my interest personally. But, has it got me talking about the film? Of course it has, I'm here writing this, so has it been effective? Completely. And I'm 100% positive that fans will be absolutely lapping this up!!
Here is the viral video, so that you can decide for yourself: