The “After-Coffee” Update.

By Maddixfamily31 @inthemomentprod

I took Noah to the doctor. I informed the substitute pediatrician we saw today that we were told a couple weeks ago to put him on soy toddler formula and she said that could make constipation worse. Um, what? I went in with constipation issues and was told to go soy and soy could make it worse? [Insert scream in head] So, NOW we are trying PediaSure and stopping toddler formula altogether and give him a dose of Miralax to see if that helps. This is also while we still try to incorporate solids 2-3 times a day. I've been doing it twice so I'll try the B-L-D by feeding him something solid right before we eat everyday. The doctor was surprised at the amount of applesauce I've been giving him a day and he still doesn't go easier. Let's pray method number #3 works! 
The substitute doctor also mentioned his head and said with the head CT that came back, (she looked it up in the system because it's the same medical branch) he was fine and his brain had room to grow so her advice was to cancel the appointment with the other doctor to see if he needed a helmet or not. On the fence but if the head CT showed good results and more room for the brain to grow, then I'm not as concerned. I'm still waiting on results from the EEG though. However the technician said it looked normal to her after it was over. Here's to praying I've been a crazy mama worried about her son too much! :) Maybe he's just behind and he doesn't have Lowe. I know, I should just wait until I know for sure but that today made me feel much better! That doesn't mean I'm not going to keep watch on Noah for things that may not seem normal. I still wonder sometimes when he does things. For example, if the EEG came back normal and no indicated seizures, then why on occasion does he just look straight up, only with his eyes, and you can try to do everything in the world to get his attention but it's impossible for about 7-10 seconds and then all of a sudden he goes back to what he was doing. Maybe he is having them, but very few? Or maybe it's just him in his own world and then comes back to babies do that? I can get lost in my thoughts from time to time. I don't know. See all the questions constantly running through my head and no answers for them. I know in time I'll get them but some things I really should have known before now if the doctors had done their jobs right too. 
Now, the remaining question of today...should I cancel the head doc appointment that is tomorrow afternoon? 