You know the feeling. Calls are coming in, you’re running around trying to organize everybody (and everything!) while remaining as calm, friendly and professional as humanly possible. It’s a big ask! In fact, sometimes, it feels impossible. But you have to persevere because one slip or one bad phone call could be enough to tarnish the salon’s reputation. With that in mind, we’ve listed 7 musts in terms of salon phone manner.
Apply These 7 Rules Of Salon Phone Manner And Win Your Clients Over Every Time
1. Smile And Breathe
First things first, take a deep breath! Always answer the phone with a friendly tone and manner regardless of what mood you’re really in!. Next, smile! Believe it or not, the tone of your voice changes when you smile. So even if you don’t feel like smiling, fake it: it makes you sound friendly.
2. Use The Client’s Name
Here’s a secret: the sweetest sounding word in the English language to any client is their name. Once you’ve heard the name of the person calling, it’s important to reassure them that you know their name by using it. This gives the caller confidence that you are listening – e.g. “Yes Mary, let me see if John is free, thanks for calling Mary!” or “Would like to get that blow dry again Denise? With our stylist Chantelle?”. People remember things they value, so make sure you make your client feel appreciated by remembering their names as much as possible.
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3. Be Consistent With Your Face-To-Face Manner
When you meet people face-to-face at reception, don’t let all of the efforts you put in to being friendly on the phone slip. If you make a great first impression with a walk-in client, they have now got a positive perception of you as a friendly, efficient person. While it’s important to learn names, become familiar and get friendly with clients, you should give them that pleasant first-time experience every time – whether in person or on the phone. Don’t shy away from making the extra effort.
4. Understand Where Irate Clients Are Coming From
To achieve the perfect salon phone manner, it is key to see where angry customers are coming from. Imagine it was you on the other side of the phone call. By doing this, you put the client’s needs into perspective and come across as understanding. Once the customer knows you are on their side, they will begin to calm down or at the very least, feel like you are proactively trying to solve their problem! Nothing feels worse than being ignored or not taken seriously. Try to solve every problem as soon as possible, in the most proactive way. If for some reason that’s not feasible, make a clear plan-of-action and stick to it. Credibility doesn’t come from always being right; it comes from always being honest and delivering on a promise.
5. Understand Styles And Treatments
Knowing exactly what your salon provides is one of the most important things. Having an understanding of the treatments, styles and how they are done means you can advise on services if no one is available. That being said, you don’t need to know everything if you’re not a stylist or therapist! However, being able to answer basic questions makes a world of difference, and gives people the impression that your salon is full of can-do and knowledgeable people.
Tip | The best way to work on this is to keep a notebook or a Word document with all of the questions you’re asked on a daily basis. Build up a ‘knowledge base’ so that as time goes by, you’re able to answer more and more questions with the aim of never saying ‘Oh, I’m not sure, I’ll find out’ more than once.
6. Always Get The Client’s Details
Sounds simple but take note of everything – even the people who walk in if they say their name – scribble it down. If you miss it, ask again. You need to make sure you have the correct information to refer back to if someone needs it or if you’re sending out marketing emails, for instance. The more information you have on people, the more efficient you’ll seem to the team and the salon owner. The devil is in the detail as they say!
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7. Don’t Take It Personally
Remember, whatever happens – and to keep the utmost professional salon phone manner – don’t take things personally. Many times people feel they need to be angry or loud to get their point across and show how serious the matter is. At the best of your capacity, try not feel upset or overly affected when this happens. Just be understanding, and more often than not, clients will appreciate your help.
Good luck and thanks for reading!