The 2-week Keto Challenge: ” I Feel Like the Man I Once Was Again”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Over people have signed up for our free two-week keto low-carb challenge. You'll get free guidance, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists and troubleshooting tips - everything you need to succeed on a keto diet.

Here are new fantastic stories from people who've taken the challenge:

Just finished the 2-week challenge and feel great.

The good thing is that I'm not hungry till around noon.

I lost about 4 kg (9 lbs) and enjoyed delicious recipes. In the first week, I went from 114 kg (251 lbs) to 112.5 kg (248 lbs) and this continued in the second week going to 110 kg (242 lbs). I was keeping it strict and plan to continue until I get to my target weight of 90 kg (198 lbs). I'm getting up at 6 AM and the good thing is that I'm not hungry till around noon. This meant I was having breakfast around noon, lunch at 4 PM and dinner at 9 PM which helped to get a rhythm.

The shopping lists helped in getting an overview of what is needed for the oncoming week. It might be better to have a shopping list for 2-3 days because some things can't stay fresh for that long in the fridge. I couldn't stick to the 2-week plan meals, but the abundance of recipes helps in finding a replacement for any of the meals in the 2-week challenge. Had some side effects (a headache, dizziness) on day two and three, but taking chicken broth twice a day helped to get over it. After this was gone every other day was like any normal day before.

Thanks for helping me to get into a low-carb diet plan,
Dušan R., Belgrade, Serbia, Age 38

Good Morning,

My name is Maria Vasquez and both my husband Paul and I tried the challenge because we wanted to lose some weight and it's always better when you have a partner to do these things with. We are both 54 years old and live in Diamond Bar, CA. I had recently gone to the doctor's and he told me I was super obese and my pressure was starting to show signs of hypertension. I weighed 230 lbs (104 kg) prior to starting this challenge and my husband weighed in at 186 (84 kg).

When I first started this diet, I was a bit skeptical because I looked at the menu and could not believe that with all the food listed, that we could possibly lose weight. Well, needless to say, it proved me wrong. Not to mention that the menus for each week were delicious, I mean there were probably only 2 items that I did not eat (it was the fish days because I don't like fish) t, but other than that, everything was delicious.

We chose to do intermittent fasting and did not eat from 4pm to 4am and as of this morning 10/22/18, I lost 17 lbs (8 kg) and my husband lost 12 lbs (5.5 kg). Overall, we feel good and my pressure is slowly dropping to the normal range again.

Thank you so much for this challenge. I am now a member of your community and will continue to work on staying in ketosis. We have decided to do the challenge again for the next two weeks as it has demonstrated that we can lose the weight and stay below 20 g carbs. My goal is to at least lose 50 lbs (23 kg) within 3-4 months and my husband would like to lose another 10-15 lbs (4.5-7 kg). I told my office staff about the challenge and they have looked at the site and will be starting the challenge too.

Thanks again!

Paul and Maria Vasquez


Of all the emails I've subscribed to over the last few years, yours was the only one I read avidly and really enjoyed the recipes. They're straightforward to make and not necessarily loads of ingredients. I feel so much better and alert it's quite strange.

Can't believe eating fewer carbs has had such a huge impact.

I'm sleeping unbelievably better and waking up refreshed which is something I haven't done in years. Can't believe eating fewer carbs has had such a huge impact. I've lost 4 pounds (2 kg) in two weeks which is steady but still good. I'll be continuing with low carb/keto eating so thank you for starting me off.

Best wishes,

I am a 74-year-old female, and I live in Oklahoma, USA. I weighed 177 lbs (80 kg) before I started the Keto diet. I had seen such amazing results in two young family members with keto, that I decided to try it myself. I have dieted off and on my whole life, and a year ago decided I was done with dieting. In that year I gained 20 pounds, despite having a very limited diet, quantity-wise.

Having limited my fat consumption all these years, I initially found it hard to eat so much fat; it didn't taste all that good, and was a bit overwhelming at first. However, I've finished my first 2 weeks of eating the Keto diet, and I'm really enjoying the high fat, low carb diet now. I've found more recipes from your website, and am enjoying cooking and eating them. I only occasionally feel hungry between meals, but not enough to lose control.

I lost 2 pounds (1 kg) the first week, despite having to eat out several times. Then, the last day of the second week, I endulged in a "fat bomb" I had found a recipe for, and found that I had only lost 1 pound (0.5 kg) that week. However, I fasted the next morning, and this morning I found that I had lost a total of 4 pounds (2 kg) so far. That doesn't seem like much, compared to what I would have lost on previous diets during a two-week period. However, I'm pretty much sold at this point on keto, and feel confident that I will be able to continue a slow steady weight loss as I go on from here. It occurs to me, that if I lose only 2 pounds (1 kg) per week, at the end of six months I will have lost over 40 pounds (18 kg)!

In terms of side effects, I experienced a lot of them - headaches, flu-like symptoms, extreme tiredness and cramping in my legs. However, I found that your recommendations for managing the symptoms were very helpful. I did go through a few days in the second week, during which I wondered if I could really stay with this regimen. I still have some occasional symptoms, but they are easily taken care of.

I haven't seen any testimonies from women my age on your website, so I wondered if keto is perhaps harder for older people. But I gather that I'm pretty much on target for where I should be at this point in time. It is still a bit difficult to equate weight loss with eating lots of fat and always feeling satiated.

Judith Banks

Apparently, the world is not a wish-granting factory. I've always wanted to lose weight when I realised I couldn't wear most of my favorite clothes and anytime I see my friends looking good and smart in their clothes, it gets me thinking and wishing I had their figure. But no, you cannot make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. I knew I had to hit the gym to get back into shape. But my busy lifestyle just won't afford me the time to. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain.

So I got online, read a few materials and I found this Low Carb Challenge with you, Diet doctor with amazing stories of transformation which in no small way really inspired me. It was on a Monday and I was itching for Sunday to arrive just so I can start the challenge and see if I could also have a story to tell.

I am looking out through the window with the widest smile and a joyful heart.

Fast forward two weeks down the line and here I am looking out through the window with the widest smile and a joyful heart. I've lost quite a significant amount of weight and it surprises me. I feel like the man I once was again. I want to make this diet change a part of me so that I can be a testimony to others who want to shed some weight as well but find themselves in situations that do not permit them to.

Thank you very kindly, Dr. Andreas.

Sincerely yours,
Nii Laate from Ghana, West Africa