Bonjour! So I know I said I wasn't going to do any 'new years resolutions' this year, but after having a little browse on my blog feedI came across a post by one of my favorite blogging ladies, & inspired by her post have decided to partake in a little blogger challenge.. Bree from The Urban Umbrella has begun a little 14 day health plan & I actually think its a fantastic idea. I'm a self confessed lazy sod, & honestly my attempts at getting fit and healthy have always fallen flat.
- Although I must admit, I have been giving running a try
& its not all that bad.. I suppose Anyway, here is the challenge;
14 Days Of: 1.No Coffee or regular tea 2.More Green Tea 3.Daily exercise 4.No alcohol 5.No Sugar 6.More fruit & Veggies 7.More Water 8.Regular Sleep 9.No food after 7 10. No juice or pop
I think the no coffee or tea is going to be a toughie, I'm not a massive green tea lover (I know, shameful) but I'm aware of the mass benefits & hey, who knows, I may become a convert! The others that I think I may find tough is the regular sleep & daily exercise.. I'm such a pudding when it comes to keeping fit, a box of Thornton's & a cuppa is much more appealing than a treadmill.. but as I said earlier, I've started running & if the weathers crap, I live on a 3rd floor apartment so I could always just run up and down the stairs a few times! I'm also a little restricted with the 'regular sleep' - Living in an apartment with 7 other people sometimes gets a little noisy & lets me fair, we're students so music playing in the small hours of the morning is pretty normal for us. Other than that I think everything else will be pretty easy & hopefully if I can try my hardest to stick to this plan as rigidly as possible, it may help me kick my unhealthy habits in the long run! -But I suppose that's just wishful thinking!! Have you ever tried a mini health plan? FACEBOOK | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM