I wanted to tell you a story that is already in my Top 3 Favorites for 2018: the time that I purchased a ticket to New York City, JFK Airport on a Wednesday morning at 10am, and flew out at 5pm the same day. I had received a People's Rev invitation to a show, and while I had received others within the previous weeks leading up to NYFW, People's Rev has always held a soft spot.
All throughout high school and college, the semi-reality TV shows Laguna Beach, The Hills, The City, and Kell On Earth had been my escapes between exams. I remember watching the episodes on YouTube. So, when I attended my very last show of my first MBFW, tired, starving, and frozen, I cried tears of surreal joy when I realized that I was attending a fashion show produced by the PR agency, People's Revolution. It all felt so poetic; it was the perfect farewell to that season.
The Friday before the following Wednesday I had RSVP'd "No" to my Mimi Prober, Hogan McLaughlin, and XULYBët Collective Runway Event; and by that Wednesday morning, I had tears. Strolling into my office that day, a coworker came over to inquire about my sullen mood. With gentle prodding ("This is what you're passionate about, right?" "In 5 years from now, will you be glad you took the risk?") I checked ticket prices, and I was floored at how accessible they were; a beauty contract I had just signed would cover everything: flight, stay, Lyft, and meals. I'd even have something left over.
I emailed People's Rev and changed my RSVP to "Yes". I called my mom. I requested a meeting with my Director. 2.5 hours later I was in my car, blasting Kendrick Lamar's "All the Stars" with tears of surprise and thankfulness streaming down my cheeks. How did I get here? During the boarding announcement, I realized I didn't have a place to stay; I booked my AirBnB just seconds after the wheels of the plane lifted off the tarmac.
Thursday morning started at 6am, with me leaving JFK on a rail train headed...in the wrong direction. Eventually, I found my way to Manhattan island, and texted my friend Carlton; "Just kidding - I'm HERE!!" 40 minutes later we met in a Starbucks, and he bought me breakfast: "Of course you are" he smiled. "Where else would you be?"
If Paris is my Lover, then New York is my Mother. Both know and understand what I need, in vastly different ways. Last September, while in the West Village, I was enamored with the rainbow crosswalks; I was wearing head-to-toe Tibi - a "Gen Z Yellow" sweater set, I loved the contrast. A homeless man jumped out from the Subway entrance: "Careful!! Miss - the cars come from irregular directions" and he pointed to the obtuse streets.
New York reminds me of how quickly life can turn; indeed, in trying to balance both my life passions and corporate life, I often find myself spinning. But it's a beautiful blur of sore feet, red-eye flights, Google Maps, and dear friends.
Oh, and the fashion show was great too.
September 2017
February 2018