Thanksgiving 2013

By Christopher De Voss @chrisdevoss

From our family here at Long Awkward Pause, to your family where ever they may be:

Happy Turkey Day!

I’ve just been told that by saying Happy Turkey Day, instead of saying the traditional Happy Thanksgiving, we may have confused the people of the country of Turkey, whom actually do not have a day of celebration called Turkey Day.

We mean no disrespect to Turkey or any country for that matter.

In fact, if the country of Turkey were to have  a holiday called, Turkey Day, we at Long Awkward Pause would be all for celebrating that as well.


To sum it up, Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it, and to the people of Turkey…celebrate your country whenever you can.

Blogdramedy – BrainRants – Chowderhead – Christopher – Monk Monkey – Justin – Omawarisan – Cordelia -Mike – Howard Gantz, Manager

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