Thankful for My Child's Safety

By Trina @embellishcandle
Today was such a scary day for me and the family. My youngest wanted to go to the store to buy something and I gave him money to get him some snacks. About a few minutes later the police came over my husband went outside and I saw the cop pulling my sons back out the car.
I was wondering what was going on, my cousin came up stairs saying that my son got hit by a car and time he said that I cried and thought the worst. I told God please don't take my son away from me while crying. I rushed to put on my clothes and went downstairs crying and the cop told me that he was hit by a car and that it wasn't serious. He said the guy that hit didn't have any dents in his truck nor was my son's bike dented.
I really wasn't interested in the guys truck, he hit my son. Witness said the guy was on his cellphone and witnesses said my son had the right of way. See this is what causes so many accidents people talking on their phone while driving and the law passed here about talking on a cellphone. I'm sure he didn't tell the cop he was on it. We went to the hospital and my son was wide awake and doing fine and they did x-rays everything is fine, but he will be sore. I want to know readers what shall I do about the guy talking on the phone when he hit my son? Please leave your comments.
he's my precious baby. Didn't take any hospital pictures though ,because i was a nervous wreck.