Thank You Followers <3

By Shimmerofpink @shimmerofpink
Hellooo shimmers
Happy Halloween <3
A couple of jokes from some of the wonderful trick or treaters that came to our door:
•Why to witches study in an aeroplane?
To get a higher education!!
•Why did the skeleton go to the ball on his own?
Because he had no body to go with!!
They are cute!!
I cant believe that I am at 40 followers, it may sound like a small number but for me that's amazing. So thank you.
One of my followers Emily Rose emailed me this:-
(see the bottom of the post)
It's so lovely so thank you very very much Emily :)
You guys have been amazing and I really can't thank you enough.
I'm so excited to see what the next few years bring and I'm glad I can bring you along with me.
I never started this blog to gain followers and I know everyone says that but I genuinely mean it, so when I see a new follower or someone comments it makes my day <3
I still promise that if I get to 100 followers I will do a giveaway which would be very exciting :D
If you do like my blog then please do subscribe if you haven't already as it means so much to me so thank you :) xx
If there is anything would like me to do on my blog then leave it as a comment and I will be sure to give it a bash :D
Laura xx<3"><3" border="0" title="Thank You Followers <3"><3" title="Thank You Followers <3">