Ten Weeks

By Heathernichole

How far along? Ten weeks and six days.

Baby's size? Dragon Baby is the size of a kumquat or a LEGO man, which my brother found to be amusing. 
Baby's nickname? Still Dragon Baby.I mostly refer to the baby as "baby" though. Maternity clothes? Not yet. Exercise? I'm still getting adjusted in my new work schedule but I did manage to go on a walk today! Sleep: I am getting plenty of sleep because I am ready for bed between 8 and 9 each night. Most nights I am asleep before 9 and I wake up around 6 or 6:30 so I'm getting more than eight hours each night. I am completely okay with that. Best moment this week: My husband and I found a onesie that we had to purchase. It's for a baby boy and of course, we don't know what we're having yet but it was too cute to leave behind. It was a lot of fun looking through all the baby clothes and shoes with my husband. 

Miss anything? I still miss enjoying my coffee. I only drink it now because if not, I will have a killer headache by noon. 

Movement: None that I noticed. 
Food cravings: Where do I start? I've been craving a lot of sweets like cinnamon rolls, Lucky Charms, and cupcakes. I'm looking forward to eating our cake topper this weekend when we celebrate our first anniversary. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Unfortunately coffee still is. I have been able to get down lattes from Starbucks much easier than my coffee from home. Also, the thought of anything pumpkin makes me feel ill. 

Gender: Unknown. 

Symptoms: I had a terrible headache a few days this week. I've had a stuffy nose on and off again. And I would consider being ready for bed at 8pm a symptom. Wedding rings on or off? On. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy most of the time. I can't remember any specific times when I was moody this week but maybe I should ask my husband. 
Looking forward to: My next doctor's appointment next week. I can't wait to see how much the baby has grown in the last few weeks.