Ten of The Very Best Quotes About Saying Hello

By Russell Deasley @Worlds_Top_10

Greetings often mark the beginning of beautiful journeys, whether they lead to lasting friendships, profound insights, or shared laughter. The power of a simple “hello” can bridge worlds, connecting strangers and knitting hearts closer together. In this blog post, we explore ten of the very best quotes about the art of saying hello. These quotes not only celebrate the simple act of greeting but also remind us of the deep impact that starting a conversation can have on our lives and the lives of those around us. From the poignant to the uplifting, each quote offers a unique perspective on this everyday gesture that holds the potential to turn any ordinary moment into something truly extraordinary. Join us as we delve into the wisdom and beauty behind the power of “hello.” as well as enjoying some pictures of animals waving their own greetings…

10 – “Oh hi, and welcome to our blog post! We are all just animals trying to be friendly!”

Jimi Hendrix once said: ”The story of life is quicker than the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.”

9 – “Oh I am not trying to wave at you, I just really need to stop for a pee!”

Bill Cosby once said: ”I don’t have a problem believing in God and Jesus. But in Genesis, one has to wonder about these sentences that just go on and end without finishing. The thought is unfinished. Where did Adam go? What is he doing? Hello? There have to be some pages missing.”

8 – “Oh, hi! Yeah, the picnic basket inspection center is right this way.”

Ernie Harwell once said: ”It’s time to say goodbye, but I think goodbyes are sad and I’d much rather say hello. Hello to a new adventure.”

7 – “HEY! Check me out Mr photographer I have had my hair done just for you!”

Dean Martin once said: ”I’ve got seven kids. The three words you hear most around my house are ‘hello,’ ‘goodbye,’ and ‘I’m pregnant’.”

6 – “Hello good sir, I don’t suppose you have thought of the power of cheese have you?”

Cher once said: ”I’m learning English at the moment. I can say ‘Big Ben’, ‘Hello Rodney’, ‘Tower Bridge’ and ‘Loo’.”

5 – “Oh hey kid! Is that thing in your hair edible?!?”

Ashton Kutcher once said: ”I think we’ve all been in the middle of doing something we cared about when someone coming in the room and saying ‘hello’ was annoying. I personally can understand that, as someone who tries to create.”

4 – “Hey you! Yeah you with the bag of stale bread, come over here!”

Jimmy Fallon once said: ” Thank you… motion sensor hand towel machine. You never work, so I just end up looking like I’m waving hello to a wall robot.”

3 – Dave? Hey, Dave is that you?! …hang on, you’re not Dave!”

Florence Welch once said: ”I think I should get a bigger between-the-song persona, so then I’m not wandering around the stage like some mad old auntie that’s saying hello to people and falling over.”

2 – “Oh hey! Before you go can you fill my food bowl you might be gone for minutes!”

Hulk Hogan once said: ”The only time I’m not Hulk Hogan is when I’m behind closed doors because as soon as I walk out the front door, and somebody says hello to me, I can’t just say ‘hello’ like Terry. When they see me, they see the blond hair, the moustache, and the bald head, they instantly think Hulk Hogan.”

1 – “Hello there good sir! Are you here for the wildlife documentary?”

Britney Spears once said: ”I like meeting all my fans and signing autographs, although it can all get a bit crazy. Yesterday, for example, a boy just came over and planted a big kiss on my face! I was like, ‘Hello?’”