Ten Days

By Vickilane

Well, so the potty-mouthed  Scaramucci has  been relieved of his position as communications director at the White House, possibly at the behest of the new chief of staff, ex-Marine general John Kelly.
Ten days, that's how long the Mooch lasted. His departure leaves Trump the undisputed King of Crassness at the White House. It also saddens a number of comedians who had been looking forward to some fine Sopranos riffs on the current regime.

In spite of Trump's tweets declaring that there is no chaos at the White House, I'm not so sure. He has lied to us early and often. Perhaps General Kelly will gain the upper hand and bring some order to the White House. We know DT likes strong, ruthless men, like Putin and Duerte, for example.  Or, wait! Maybe DT's into B&D ( reading a bit of his family history, I suspect he has daddy and mommy issues.) Maybe he knows he's been a bad boy and is yearning for a little light spanking in the Lincoln bedroom, leather restraints under the presidential desk, a tiny clamp on his tiny-  Sorry, my imagination ran away with me for a minute there. The real question though is whether DT will like a strong man who isn't just a phone buddy but right there in the White House, affecting and directing policy (as may be the case in this most recent firing?)  Will General Kelly take away DT's phone, disable his Twitter account . . . break his thumbs? Will General Kelly last longer than ten days?