I wanted to start a segment about Teenage health along with their emotions. lets focus on how it effects them on a daily basis and how to try teaching some ways to get them through these years.
- being insulted or being under threat
- being tired, hungry or in pain
- feeling sexually frustrated
- premenstrual syndrome
- feeling ignored or not taken seriously
- being affected by alcohol or drugs
Tips to help:
- recognize what and who makes you angry and avoiding them
- recognize when you are getting angry
- shouting and screaming in a private place
- beating up your pillow, sounds silly, but can help at times :)
- learning relaxation and meditation
- taking time to cool down…sometimes ‘in the heat of the moment’ you might do something stupid in retaliation… Don’t do it! You may regret it!
You can also….
- Talk yourself calm by repeating a phrase or word to yourself like ”these feelings will soon pass” or whatever you find works for you.
- Try and see the situation in a way that does not make you fell angry, it’s hard to do, I know
- Ask yourself ‘if your best friend was in the same situation what would you advise them to do?
- Talk to your parents, I do know that not everyone has that luxury. If that’s the case Go to someone you trust.
- Get further help – if you still get very angry in spite of doing the things above then it would be a good idea for you to get further help and the first place to go for this is your family doctor. They may be able to direct you into the right direction.