TEDxCrocetta Event with Luciano Bove, May 25th 2014

By Luciano
Dear friends,
save the date:


Learn, Share, Innovate

May, 25 2014 - Teatro Gobetti

​ via Rossini 8, 10124 Torino (TO)On May 25 , 2014, TEDxCrocetta opens the doors of the fascinating Teatro Gobetti in Turin to an audience eager to learn, share and be at the heart of the Italian and worldwide Cultural Revolution. There will be 10-12 on-stage speakers who have brought on innovation thanks to the sharing of ideas, which became a cornerstone of their career. TEDxCrocetta - Learn, Share, Innovate will also include the showing of various on topic TED Talks before and after chosen live speakers. The event will include alternating sessions of talks and networking with the following


14:30 – 15.00:Check-in & Welcome Coffee

15:00 – 16:30:1st Session (3-4 Live Speakers)

16:30 – 17:00:Coffee Break

17:00 – 18:30:2nd Session (4 Live Speakers)

18:30 – 19:00:Coffee Break

19:00 – 20:30:3rd Session (3-4 Live Speakers)

20:30 – 21:30:Cocktail & Networking

How to attend the event:

Please note that, as usual for TEDxCrocetta conferences, the event will be completely free of charge. However, due to its exclusivity and the high number of requests for participation, the following things must be done in order to apply for registration:
  • Filling out a selection form. The audience will be selected based on criteria designed to ensure the professionality and the heterogeneity of the participants to stimulate networking and sharing of ideas conforming to the style of TED . (From May 4 at 22:00 to May 15 at 12:00).
  • Once we receive confirmation from the team TEDxCrocetta : Ticket reservation (and seat assignment) using Eventbrite (From May 18 at 22:00).

Luciano Bove at TEDxCrocetta May 25th 2014

For all info how to participate at the event please click: TEDxCrocetta Conference!