Tarzan Versus Jane #beautiesonfire Link Up

By Elisabeth @onecutedoc

Attention Beauty Lovers. Welcome to the next Beauties On Fire themed link-up. If you don’t know about Beauties on Fire, make sure to check out this post. Our next theme was decided via a Twitter poll. Anyone could vote and our winner was…”Movie/Book Theme.” All the AMAZING #beautiesonfire members have written posts with their own spin on their favorite movie/books. I am going to share with you a Tarzan versus Jane beauty look. I have also included some ways to be adventurous in your life. Make sure you check out all the links below and show some love (come back often to see which bloggers have posted). They are seriously so amazing. I know you will love reading them as much I have. Also, we are always excepting new members and anyone can join (see post above or rules below). Make sure you check out last week’s #beautiesonfire “Disney Princesses” link-up if you missed it.


I love the movie Tarzan and I can’t wait to watch the new Tarzan movie. This movie reminds me to be adventurous in my life. It is important to get out there and see the world. To discover new things keeps your life exciting and keeps you young. I am also always into a good love story which Tarzan definitely is. Well, let’s get to the look!

Tarzan Versus Jane Beauty Look:

I had SO much fun creating this look. I love split-face looks and they are so fun to create. What do you think of the look? Can you tell it’s Tarzan versus Jane?

How To Be Adventurous:

Here are a few ways to add some adventure into your life. How are you adventurous?

Here are a few ways to add some adventure into your life. How are you adventurous?
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1.) Use Eventbrite and Find an Exciting Event in Your Area

I have recently discovered Eventbrite and it is AMAZING. You can search events and activities in your area. You can also search events in other locations you wish to travel to. The possibilities for adventure are seriously endless on here. You never know what amazing event you might discover in your area. You could find a new way to have an adventure every single day. There really is something for everyone and I highly recommend checking out this site.

2.) Book a Flight To Whichever Location is Cheapest 

I have always wanted to do this and I totally am going to. Look up cheap flights and book the cheapest to a location you have never been to. You never know what you might discover.

3.) Try Food You Have Never Ate Before

Now you don’t have to get crazy to be adventurous. You can simply find a restaurant that serves cultural food. Trying food you have never ate before is definitely an adventure. You may discover a new favorite dish.

4.) Get In Your Car and Just Drive For At Least 2 Hours With No Directions

How fun would this be? I am totally doing this too! Simply, just drive for at least 2 hours and see where it takes you. You might want to take a GPS with you so you know how to get back. You just may find a sweet spot for new fun!

5.) Search for Hiking Areas Nearby and Go for a Long Hike

I LOVE hiking and always feel adventurous when I do it. Nature is beautiful and there is always something to discover. Search for hiking areas nearby you and just go! You will totally feel like Tarzan now!


Please make sure to read all the linked posts below. We would love for you to show some love and spread the word. Also, share the posts to any of your social media accounts if you enjoyed them. We would love to have you join Beauties On Fire and grow your beauty/fashion blogs with us!

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