Taking Stock – August 2020

By Mischieviousmum

It's the end of August! It's been a massive month in many respects, but also a good month. My Mum and Hubby celebrated birthdays, school is in full swing, Tafe assessments for the girls are in extreme action mode (particularly for Ames), doctor appointments, a horrible dentist appointment, Beps work hours have increased so 1am drop offs are a bit more full on, youth group and church are go, go, go!!
Making: I would love some time to make something outside of dinner. Hashtag goals! I would love time to go to a pottery class with some friends - I have never done a pottery class before.
Cooking: No new meals this month. Just the old favourites I can now do with my eyes closed. Spaghetti Bol, Chicken Tikka Masala, BBQ, Chicken burrito bowl, etc. Just to name a few meals. There were a few more meals on rotation, but at this moment I can't remember for the life of me. I really need to get better at writing down what we have for dinner.
Sipping: Soda water with a small wedge of lemon.
Reading: This month I have been looking at Joanna Gaines new Magnolia Table cookbook, and I have finished July's books 'God in Life' a compilation of stories, and also Priscilla Shrirer's book 'Prince Warriors'.
Waiting: I spend my life waiting for kids in all sorts of scenarios and situations. The definition of my life at this time is literally all about waiting for other people. Namely, my children!
Looking: Forward to school holidays. I think I will always love school holidays.
Listening: Podcasts called 'She' (Jordan Lee Dooley), 'Dream Big Podcast' (Bob Goff), The Christy Wright Show (Christy Wright), The Portfolio Life (Jeff Goins).
Wishing: Still wishing for $1 million dollars, personal time, and world peace!
Enjoying: Any opportunity to be at home for longer than 4 hours.
Appreciating: My hubby! He is a good man.
Eating: Healthy smoothies!

Liking: My kids
Loving: My boy has become a reading Ninja! For a child that did not believe that learning to read was a priority we have turned a really big corner. JJ has been reading up a storm. In the last two months he has read all of Ahn Do's Ninja Kid books 1-5, The first four Tree House books, and a couple of other books. I am so impressed with Jaden's efforts. I need to take the kids to the library.
Also loving the decluttering we have been doing.
Buying: We spend a lot of money on petrol. I think we are just noticing it more because our worlds closed down for a few months with Covid. Now that everything in our state is open and back to business, I again live in the car. Uber Mum is back in the hood!!
Managing: The chaos of family life, and household drama.
Watching: Medical drama ' Code Black ' on 7plus with hubby!

Wearing: Clothes!
Following: I stumbled across a youtube motivational speaker @muchelleB. She does a bunch of short 'how to' videos. I hate to say it, but I need help to get things sorted, and most of the time, its just a little pep talk.
Noticing: Time is going far too quickly. The end of the year feels like it's zooming toward us at a speed I'm a little uncomfortable with. There is still so much to do before then!
Sorting: The top of our walk in robe. I have been holding onto a number of things that can only be categorised as 'keep for just in case'.
Getting: Organised. Our homeschooling area and book shelf have needed some work for some time. Each day both these areas annoy me.
Bookmarking: Homeschooling information, recipes, Tafe at school options for our third daughter for next year, home organisation, minimalism, aromatherapy information and a few health articles on hypothyroidism.
Feeling: Hopeful
Lowlight: A terrible dental experience.
Highlight: August is the last month of winter. We are literally hours away from my favourite seasons of the year.
Grateful: The last days few day as of winter have been gorgeous. I feel grateful for my faith, my family and my friends.
It's so very exciting that in a couple of days September will be here and we will have arrived in my favourite seasons. Spring!
Chat soon,