Taking Care of Ms. CEO

Posted on the 20 November 2015 by Classycareergirl @classycareer
Taking Care of Ms. CEO

Hey, Ms. CEO....are you operating at your very best self right now? Are you making time for creativity, self-care, passions and fun?

You can't start planning out your team, growing your sales funnel or building strategic partnerships until you are working at maximum capacity. If you aren't at your best, your entire business could crumble. As you become an entrepreneur, you need to learn that you don't have to work like you did when you were in corporate.

When I was in corporate, I was stressed out all the time and worked my butt off trying to work towards goals and deadlines. I hustled like a crazy woman trying to be perfect and get everything done with stress, chaos and deadlines. I raced the clock and let things go crazy. I felt like I always had to be working. I didn't take care of myself and was not a very happy person to be around.

Now that I am an full-time entrepreneur with a business I LOVE, I have learned how to balance my success and goals by taking care of myself first. With a toddler running around, it's not always the easiest. But, when I am fully operating at 100%, I know I am a better CEO, mom and wife.

Here are three things you must do to be your best self as Ms. CEO:

1. Self-Care

It's time to put you first. You cannot give to others until you give to yourself first. If you have no energy yourself, then you won't have the energy to help your clients. Put on your oxygen mask first before those around you. If you are exhausted, look at how you are working. Not everything will get done and not every email will get returned until you have a bigger team. You might have to start saying no a lot more.

Take time to read, take a bath, get a massage or get a manicure. Treat yourself and enjoy your life...and don't forget to get some sleep too! Pamper yourself.

2. Find Your Happy Place

Don't work so hard that you abandon the fun times that make you happy. When I think back to when I was younger, I loved to go ice-skating. Now when I take my niece ice-skating, I am in my happy place. What did you enjoy as a child? Singing, music, dancing, art, writing nature or play? Work this into your life. Also, make sure you have space for alone time for journaling and thinking.

[Related: 11 No-nonsense tips for starting a business]

3. Perfect the Present

Be happy right now. Don't be too focused on the future. Your success is now. Celebrate your accomplishments now! Remember where you were a year ago? Think about how far you have come. Make it a daily habit to write down your successes. Choose joy and when crazy stuff happens. You make that decision to have joy yourself. No one else makes that decision to be happy for you.

How do you take care of yourself when you have lots on your plate?