Take This Quiz to Know If You’re Ready to Run a Marathon

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus
So, you've been toying with the idea of running 26.2. Should you sign up? Can you handle the training? Take this quiz to know if you're ready to run a marathon. I received free entry to the Miami Marathon as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a (ambassador), and check out to review find and write race reviews!

Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!

My last full marathon was almost two years ago. A lot has happened since crossing that finish line. I moved, got a dog, bought a house, got married, got another dog and yes, ran a few more races.

After finishing the NYC Marathon (my fourth marathon), I honestly wasn't sure if I'd run another 26.2. Over the past (almost) two years, a number of friends asked if I wanted to run marathons with them, but the idea just didn't appeal to me.

It's hard. Training is time consuming. It's hard. I'll have a lot of early mornings. It's hard. I'll have to buy new shoes...wait... that's a perk!

I figured I'd eventually get the marathon bug again, but until then, I'd just stick with half marathons.

Then I received the opportunity to run the Miami Marathon with BibRave.

I started to get excited. Miami would be fun! The Miami Marathon is a big international race. There would be a lot of crowd support and good vibes. Plus, I can turn the race into a racecation, one that Will will actually go on with me (he's loved Miami since going for his bachelor party). Alright marathon bug, you bit me.

Of course, deciding to run a marathon isn't always as easy as catching the bug. You have to weigh the pros and cons. So how exactly do you know if you're ready to run a marathon? I put together this handy dandy little quiz to help you find if you should go the full 26.2.

What's the longest distance you've ever run? How did you feel when you crossed the finish line of your last race? What do you enjoy the most about races? What are your thoughts about long runs? How much time are you willing to dedicate to training each week? What does carb-load mean to you?
Have you ever sustained a running-related injury? When is the marathon you're thinking of running? Why do you want to run a marathon?

Write down your answers to the questions below. When you're done, tally up your a's, b's, c's and d's to determine whether or not you're ready to run a marathon. Let's hit the ground running!

Take This Quiz to Know If You're Ready to Run a Marathon

Now it's time to tally up your answers. If you answered:

Mostly a's: You'd rather run away from a marathon than run in one. Rather than go from 0 to 26.2, why not sign up for a shorter-distance race or a fun run to test out whether or not you enjoy running and race culture?

Mostly b's: You're a casual runner who might be ready for a marathon down the road. Before you sign up for a full, make sure you're injury-free and go for a half! 13.1 is a great way to see if training for a longer distance is do-able for you and your schedule and to test out whether or not you even enjoy distance running.

Mostly c's: You have half or two under your belt, but now it's time for a new challenge. If you're injury free and have at least 12 weeks to dedicate to training, go for that marathon! My advice is to pick a race that will have a lot of crowd support, and don't go into it with a time goal. Just have fun and do the damn thing!

Mostly d's: You're a marathoner through and through. You have a few medals on your rack but there's room for more. You know what training entails, and, TBH, you're excited to start logging some long runs. What are you waiting for? Sign up for that race!

Whether you're ready for a full or decide to start with a 5K, come join me in Miami! Use code " BIBRAVE19" for $10 OFF the Miami full or half marathon or and $5 OFF the Tropical 5K alone.

What are you currently training for? Share your training and fitness related posts in today's Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up!

Let's Chat:
What are your quiz results?