[TAG] SEVEN Deadly Sins of Beauty

By Superbijinup @superbijinup
Hi beauties!
I was deciding what kind of post I wanted to do next since I'm sure the monotony of reviews after reviews is probably just plain BORING after a while! I thought, HEY! It's been a while since I've done a TAG post!  That would definitely be FUN FUN FUN! Deciding what kind of tag I wanted to do was kind of hard since there's just SOOO MANNYYY out there for everyone to do!  

I ended up picking the Seven Deadly Sins of Beauty because I thought that the questions on this were really cute yet informative at the same time.  

For those of you who have never done this tag before, I TAG YOU! Haha, if you do this tag, please definitely link me in the comments! :)

Keep reading after the jump!

1. Greed: What is your most inexpensive beauty product? And what is your most expensive?  Wow, this is kind of hard to think about! I don't normally think too much about the price unless I think the product isn't worth the amount that I'm being charged for it.  I think the most inexpensive beauty product I currently own is probably the Wet n Wild Color Icon Eyeshadow Single.  I recently did a haul of Wet n Wild products from CVS! It's currently BOGOFREE until Sunday! GO HAUL SOME STUFF NOW! 

Haha, now onto the most expensive item! I think that this would be my RMK liquid foundation.  I paid quite a premium for this product mostly because of the exchange rate.  The retail for this foundation ended up being about $50 or so and plus the international fee it ended up being $54+.  This item is rather hard to find in the US so I jumped on the opportunity to buy this while I was in Taiwan.  I did like this foundation but I haven't used it in a while in lieu of testing a whole bunch of other foundations. 2. Wrath: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with? This was probably the hardest one out of all of the questions! It took me a long time to think of a product that I both love and hate at the same time! Hmm, I would have to say EYELINER!  I have yet to find my holy grail eyeliner in all forms! There's always something that I find to dislike about an eyeliner.  The only one so far that's held up for the most part to my scrutiny is the Heroine Make Liquid Eyeliner.  This isn't my favorite product by any means but it does a good enough job while I attempt to continue testing until I find my holy grail!  GOSH, if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! 3. Gluttony: What is your most delicious beauty product? I think the most delicious product that I have right now would be the Basin Raspberry Lip Scrub that I got while I was in Vegas.  The cool thing about this scrub is that it's EDIBLE.  It's made from sugar and raspberry flavoring.  It's so hard not to lick this completely off after scrubbing my lips.  It works VERY well and I really like this scrub. NOM NOM NOM~ 4. Sloth: What beauty product do you neglect due to laziness? Definitely EYESHADOW PRIMER.  I really should fix this bad habit of not using eyeshadow primer but honestly, I haven't found a good primer that doesn't smear my base makeup after application.  I used to use Urban Decay Primer Potion but the fact that it kills my base makeup has turned me off using this product.  >:[ ♥  5. Pride: What beauty product gives you the most confidence? FALSE EYELASHES! Holy moly, I LOVE wearing falsies because it gives a whole new dimension to any type of eye makeup that you're wearing! I currently have a favorite (#720) in the boxes of eyelashes that I get from my work but I'm always on the lookout for exciting lashes to try.  If I only had two beauty product that I could put on each day, falsies would be one of my top picks after foundation. 6. Lust: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? This is the weirdest question out of the bunch, lol.  Has nothing to do with beauty products but I think height, muscles, and hair are the most attractive assets to me.  If I were to pick beauty products,  I would definitely say that nice smelling cologne is a big recommendation for guys.  But I dislike it when they SPRAY THAT STUFF ON LIKE ITS THE APOCALYPSE.  My favorite cologne for guys by far is CK Eternity.  Gosh, that is like a smell orgasm, lol.  Moving on.... 7. Envy: What beauty product would you most like to receive as a gift? Wow, this is kind of hard! There's so many products that I would love to try but probably wouldn't actually splurge on! HMMM, the one product that I've been dying to get my hands on would be the Guerlain Meteorites Powder for the Face! This BEAUTIFUL powder makes your face LUMINOUS and comes in such beautiful packaging! I really want to splurge on this but that $50+ price tag is just so daunting!  I probably will end up talking myself into buying it but until then, I WOULD LOVE TO GET THIS AS A GIFT! That's it for the TAG post! Keep your eyes peeled for the reviews/swatches coming up for the awesome Project Runway products! I will be working on those for you all! Let us know if you have any questions! Feel free to leave suggestions as well! Oh, and let us know if you want us to do any more tags! :) These are pretty fun to do :) Disclosure: All purchased products mentioned were paid for by SUPERbijinUP for personal use or review purposes.