T-Zone Spot Zapping Stick

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
Just to start, this isn't going to be the most glamorous of posts. Recently my face has been far from glamorous as spots seem to be attacking the lower half of my face and don't seem to be giving up any time soon. Maybe stress from university work or too much fizzy juice, I'm not sure, but all I knew was that I needed to keep them at bay asap. As a person who doesn't normally suffer from breakouts (apart from at that time of the month), this took me by surprise and definitely dented my confidence as foundations and concealer only seemed to highlight my spotty face more. And so the search for a good spot treatment started. Luckily my Mum had not long bought this T-Zone Spot Zapping Stick and was still in its packaging so I called dibs and gave it a go. 

The product comes in a small 10ml perspex bottle with a roller-ball top which makes application easy but isn't exactly the most hygienic way to do it. I tend to give the roller-ball a good wipe after each use to stop the spread of any more bacteria entering the pores from previous applications. As the name may suggest, this spot treatment contains tea tree oil which is both refreshing and beneficial for skin as it tends to dry up any fresh breakout areas before the spot has a chance to appear. Of course with this drying effect the surrounding skin can left to feel very dry but this is nothing that a good moisturiser can't sort out.
I tend to leave this spot stick sitting next to my desk and apply it numerous times during the day to ensure the tea tree oil is penetrating the skin and soothing the spot area in question, and I've found this to be greatly beneficial for the sad state my skin has been in lately. Any large and angry looking spots on my face are now minimised and hardly noticeable and I put that all down to this spot treatment. Thank you T-Zone, you have given me my chin back.
I have had a look on the Boots and Superdrug websites but can't track down this spot stick and in all honesty I think my Mum picked this up in the local chemist, however there are a number of links to online stores available on Google Shopping who offer the T-Zone Spot Zapping Stick for around the £3 mark. Happy zapping!