Swatchin' Time

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes

I don't know about you but I find it quite therapeutic to whip out a nail wheel and a selection of nail polishes and just swatch away, whether it be reminding yourself of shades or experimenting with different glitter and effect topcoats. This is where I found myself the other night and before I knew it I had swatched plenty of lovely polishes, concentrating on color combinations that I'm looking forward to wearing as we get closer to Christmas (only 62 days to go people!). I thought the nail wheel was looking too pretty not to photograph so here is a look at my swatching fun and if you want to know what any of the individual polishes are then I'm sure I'll be able to work it out for you, so just let me know. For anyone wondering, I bought my nail wheels in a pack of 10 from a seller on eBay although I can't really remember which one sorry. After a quick look on eBay I've found that you can get your hands on a 10 pack of nail wheels for as little as £1.29 with free delivery (found here) so if you're interested then I'd definitely recommend buying some!