Superdrug Vitamin E Range

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes
Today I bring you an absolute rave about a range of products, and it is a range I have mentioned quite a few times in my time as a blogger. The Superdrug Vitamin E Skin Care range has been a favorite of mine for about a year now and now that I am finally using these 4 products in conjunction I can see a huge difference in the condition of my skin. Clear and smooth skin = a happy me, so of course I had to take to the blog and tell you just how happy I am. My love affair with the Vitamin E range started when I bought the Intense Moisture Cream (reviewed here) and quickly made it my staple moisturiser as I suffered from very dry skin. After that it was a given that I would dabble further into the range as it is just so affordable, especially for such great quality, and here I am to tell you about my favourites.
Exfoliating Facial Scrub, Skin Oil, SPF 15 Moisturising Day Cream, and Intense Moisture Cream (all £2.99)
As much as the Intense Moisture Cream helped my dry skin, it eventually turned out to be too thick in consistency for a day cream and has now become my night-time moisturiser for bed. As a replacement, I decided to opt for the thinner Moisturising Day Cream with SPF 15 which I have also been loving. I use this cream as my moisturiser before applying foundation and it is great for keeping my dry skin at bay without turning my skin into an oily and shiny mess, and the added SPF is a huge bonus especially now that we are coming into the summer months. Next on my list was the Exfoliating Facial Scub (reviewed here) which has become my go-to exfoliator and gets used every other day as it is fairly thick and bitty but well worth it when you see the results. Finally, the Skin Oil from the range is something that I haven't really touched until the past few weeks as to be honest, the thought of putting oil my face just scared me and made me think I would need to put up with an even shinier face. But alas, I was so wrong on that one! I now use a little bit of the Skin Oil on my face before I go to bed and it leaves my skin feeling so soft the next morning with no traces of a shiny face which was a fab result. All in all I'm beyond impressed with this range from Superdrug and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for something nice and affordable to add to their skin care routine.
Have you tried anything from the Vitamin E range?