Superdrug Vitamin C Skincare

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Superdrug is one of my vice's. If ever you're in Dumfries on a Saturday afternoon, it's not unlikely to find me stalking the aisles of Superdrug swatching everything. I've also tried most things so HOLLA and say hello if you need recommendations.

Recently launched in 2018 is the Superdrug Vitamin C Skincare. The range consists of five products:

- Superdrug Vitamin C Eye Cream
- Superdrug Vitamin C Gel Moisturiser
- Superdrug Vitamin C Booster
- Superdrug Vitamin C Facial Cleanser
- Superdrug Vitamin C Orange Peel Jam Mask
I was lucky enough to be sent a few of the products to try out roughly a month ago and I've put through their paces to try them out.
I was sent the Eye Cream, Facial Cleanser and Orange Peel Jam Mask to try.

Despite the name, this product is not a cream but actually is more like a rolling gel/serum. I actually prefer serums to creams which I find to be too 'thick' and leaves behind a lot of residue. As this has a serum consistency and has a rollerball applicator, the product penetrates the skin quickly and I don't notice any residue. In terms of results, this is definitely cooling and I found it reduces puffiness quite significantly. I've used this consistanly for a month to put it through it's paces and can safely say it's made it's way firmly into my everyday skincare routine. I just feel wide awake and refreshed once I've used it.

This has a gelly like consistency and has - what looks like - little pieces of orange through it. I've been using this, again, consistantly for a month and can say I find it definitely cleanses my skin well in the morning but for me isn't 'deep cleansing' enough to be used to remove makeup or to be used after a hectic day of blogging in my pajamas... (If only!)

When I hear 'jam' mask, I automatically think of something sticky and deliciously bad for me, so seeing a skincare product that's marketed with the word 'jam' in it was a little bit daunting. I wondered if it was all a gimmick and so was excited to properly try it out. I've used this 4 times (once per week for a month..) and I have to say that for the price, this is pretty good.
The consistency is jam like. It's sticky and reminds me a little bit of marmalade. I dampened, then put this all over my face and waited 10 minutes before washing off. It has an exfoliant in it and definitely made my skin feel smoother. I can't say that I notice a reduction in dullness or blemishes but the dry areas I had are starting to disappear. For less than a fiver, I'm happy!
Have you tried the Superdrug Vitamin C range?
H x