Superdrug Coconut Oil

By Behindtheseclosedeyes @theseclosedeyes

This little tub has quickly become my go-to hair treatment for dry ends, and at just £2.29 it's a massive bargain. The Superdrug Coconut Oil is something that I'd eyed up a few times in store but never actually got round to buying, until it was on offer a few weeks ago and I had to snap it up for around £1.50. This really is a product for just about everything as it can be used as a conditioning treatment for your skin, scalp and hair, although I've only used it for my hair so far so I can't really comment on anything else. When you first open the tub you notice that the oil is infact solid, but you soon get around this as the oil melts when it comes into contact with your hands. I sometimes lack a bit of patience and this is definitely true when trying to soften this oil, although I've found that a quick blast of the hairdryer is great for melting the block of oil!
All you need to do is scoop a little of the solid oil out of the tub and rub between your hands to soften it and completely turn it into an oil. Once this is done, I just apply the oil to the lengths of my hair and later concentrate on the ends where I desperately need a bit more moisture. I tend to use this product on both wet hair and dry hair, and I'd even go as far to say that it has made blowdrying my long hair less of an effort when applied to the damp ends (although I could just be telling myself that, I'm not sure yet). The ends of my hair have been looking and feeling so much better since I started using this oil, and it's especially handy for taming flyaways and all of the frizzy messes that seem to appear in my hair without warning.
I know the saying 'a little goes a long way' is a bit overused, but it really is the case when it comes to this product! The fact that it is solid means you can scoop out the smallest piece and still have it melt into plenty of oil which is always great. I'm sure you can guess that it smells of coconut but what I love is that it is a fairly subtle coconut smell as I'm not usually the biggest fan of an in your face coconut scent. I could probably continue to rave about this product for a long time to come but I'll stop now before I turn into a rambling mess! You can find this Coconut Oil in Superdrug for £2.29, although it's currently involved in a 2 for £2.99 offer so you really are getting a great deal there.