Sunshine and Scones|Prestonfield

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

I hinted yesterday, well actually I told you that we finished off our afternoon at Prestonfield. Sometimes it’s just nice to go someplace nice, (remember that BLOG POST I did?) and that day was just one of those days. It was actually perfect, more than perfect, it was blissful. The two art pieces you see above is a Thai Buddha which was brought back from Delhi. It’s completely 100% gold leaf and is rather spectacular, especially when it glistens in the sunshine. As daddy says, the “schnozzer” on that – ha, ha always has a way with words. The canvas painting is a piece by me which was for my GCSE art exam (A Grade may I add). The theme for it was “Party” and so I took some influences from Gustav Klimt, The Boyle Family (Glasgow artists) and then the candlesticks from our dining table, a photo portrait of my mother and me being the center piece (a la Gustav Klimt style). Anyway back to our time at P-Field House. The BMW (I don’t know how to write / spell “BeeeeeMah” which is what we call the car, so BMW is easier), elegantly drove out and greeted us nose first. Not ...