
By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

I normally don’t blog on days beginning with “T” but I woke up this morning to a notice from my friend K.O. over at “This is the Crafty One” to discover she’d nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!  She runs a fabulous craft blog complete with cross stitch patterns she’s designed herself, cards, and scrapbook pages so if you haven’t been over there yet, you should click the link and check out what she can do.

Here are the Rules:

  1. Include the award logo in a post or somewhere on your blog.
  2. Answer 10 questions about yourself
  3. Nominate 10 to 12 other fabulous bloggers.
  4. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award.
  5. Share the love and link the person who nominated you

I can’t really think of 10 questions on my own to answer, so I’m just going to use the ones K.O. answered in her post.

  1. How did we meet? Well, I think all of my blog friends and followers I’ve met via the internet through our love of either books or cross-stitching.  I think I can honestly say I don’t follow anyone I know in real life.  I think I may have to try and get some of my real-world friends to start blogs…
  2. What is your favorite thing to do when you have time for you? I love reading books and I’m fairly sure my reading list will never end no matter how much free time I have in my life, I also love to write, and of course cross-stitching as well.  I also like watching movies and TV shows while stitching, so that’s like getting two hobbies in one.
  3. What is your favorite memory from your childhood? My absolute favorite childhood memory is being allowed to stay up late with my dad on nights Star Trek: The Next Generation was on.  We’d sit in front of the TV and eat mint-chip ice cream.  I felt so cool.
  4. If you could meet one famous person who would it be? And why? That’s a tough one.  I guess I’d have to say Charles Dickens because I’ve spent a lot of time reading Victorian literature and writing papers over “Great Expectations”.  It’d be nice to get some facts from the source.
  5. Were you named after anyone? Why? I was named after Mother Teresa because my mom wanted me to be named after a strong woman who did great things.  It was between Mother Teresa and Margaret Thatcher but Teresa won out because we are Catholic but not British.
  6. Share a memory of something you got up to in your 20′s.  Well, I’m still in my 20s so that’s a tough one.  I guess graduating from college will be the biggest one, so I’ll go with that.
  7. What is your favorite song? Why? I couldn’t think of one so I looked on my itunes for my most played song, which is “Breakfast After Ten” by Blue October so I think I’ll go with that one.
  8. Are you married? Single? Kids? No kids? Pets? This is a lot of questions all in one so I’ll just answer it with a resounding I’m happy.
  9. What was the last book you read? I’m reading about 3 books at once right now, but I just finished “The Marriage Plot” and have about 10 pages left to go on “To Kill a Mockingbird”
  10. How many different places have you lived at in your life? Just one house, 3 different apartment/dorms, and 2 different cities.

Now for the exciting part….my 10 nominees .  I know it says I’m supposed to go comment on their blogs, but I’m just going to link to them here and they can decide whether or not they want to follow through with the rest of it.  Some people enjoy blog awards (like me) and some people think they’re a little spammy, so I’ll leave it up to you whether or not you want to pass it on.

  1. A Detailed House for DIY around the house projects.
  2. Peace, Love, and Fabulous Things who I love and who always has ideas for around the house as well as her own fabulous paintings.
  3. Sew Sensational who has all sorts of fantastic sewing and cross-stitch projects
  4. Pin Cushions and Reflections who gardens, sews, stitches, and everything in between.
  5. More Quirky Than Crafty who I just love.  Her blog is fabulous.  Check it out.
  6. Vix Knits who does a lot more than just knit.
  7. A Stitcher’s Stitching who I just started following recently but her  blog is great.
  8. Lost DoDo Designs who is getting ready to open an etsy shop (if she hasn’t already) and you should go buy something from her
  9. CoCo J. Ginger, who isn’t a crafter at all but writes some great poetry.
  10. Hardcovers and Heroines a blog about books which I look forward to everyday.