Sunday Reflections – 6 September 2015

By Whatsheread

Happy Read a Book Day! Seriously, this should be a day that is an automatic day off when it does not fall on a weekend. Who is with me?

The kids had a good first week of school. Connor in particular seems to have turned over a new leaf this year. I believe all of our cautionary tales about this year being especially important for college applications have finally sunk in as he is not only getting his homework done early but also turning it in and keeping a calendar of assignment due dates. This is a first for him, and I so fervently hope that he continues this trend throughout the year.

Holly has been relatively quiet about school so far other to say that she likes her teacher and that her teacher is a bit of a grammar nerd. Holly had the week off of dance, so I suspect she was feeling a little lost with her evenings being open. She starts back to dance on Tuesday of this week, so I know she will be back to her usual cheery self in no time!

Connor had his second cross-country meet on Saturday. In spite of humidity levels of 95 percent and one of the most difficult courses he runs all year, he had a personal best for the course. He did not get a personal record in general, but it is by far the best he has ever done on this particular course. It was fun to watch. I cannot wait to see just how well he does at the next meet in two weeks!

I did not post any reviews this week, but I did add a few new features. In addition to my regularly scheduled weekly summary, Jim finally posted an update on Our Net Zero Home. I also brought back my Fabulous Friday celebration and created a new Saturday feature called What’s for dinner? They are silly and not remotely book-related, but they give you a bit more insight into me. I hope you enjoy them!

I trust everyone in the United States is living up this last long weekend of the summer months. For those who are not in the United States or not celebrating Labor Day tomorrow, I hope you are having a restful and relaxing weekend. I know I am!