Sunday Reflections – 5 November 2017

By Whatsheread

Happy Sunday!

It seems our weather shifted from beautiful autumnal weather to that dreary, damp, dark weather that tends to be our winters here in southern Wisconsin. This is the type of weather that saps my energy and makes me want to hibernate. I am hoping the sun decides to make an appearance one of these days. Until then, I’ll manage with cozy blankets, fuzzy socks, candles, and warm sweaters.

GRATEFUL FOR: I love that we live in a world where there is such a thing as ordering online and picking up your order. I am especially grateful for the fact that this service now extends to one grocery store in our area. I tried it for the first time this week. Other than some miscalculations I made on sizes and order quantities, I am sold. I detest grocery shopping, so giving someone my list, having them grab everything, package it, and put it in my car for me is heaven. Plus, any order over $100 is free of charge. If you have this service in your area, I highly recommend it!

ENJOYED: We finished season two of “Stranger Things” last night, something we all enjoyed watching. I had a few issues with certain scenes but thought the season was fantastic. They definitely upped the ante in horror and gore. Some of it was a bit too intense for Holly, but she powered through it squeezed between Jim and me with the dog on her lap for comfort. The ending shot is perfection, and we all groaned with the knowledge that we are going to have to wait another year to find out what it means!

LOOKING FORWARD TO: With Jim’s birthday today comes his annual birthday cake. His grandmother’s recipe for carrot cake is hands-down the best version I have ever tasted, and we all look forward to taking that first bite. Its cinnamon-y goodness is perfect for fall weather. Combine it with a tall glass of cold milk, and it is perfection.


Here are past posts from the few last weeks in case you missed them the first time:



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