Sunday Reflections – 30 October 2016 – Loving Free Sundays

By Whatsheread

Happy Sunday!!

It is a gloomy day here, which means that energy levels are low as we all recharge our batteries after this past week. Jim is in the process of training for his third marathon, so his fourteen-mile run this morning has left him depleted. Holly and I are recovering from fifteen hours in the car in a twenty-four hour period, as we drove to Rochester, Michigan and back again for Holly’s most recent feis. Connor is on a class field trip to see the musical Hamilton in Chicago. It is just a quiet, relaxing, pajama-filled day.

Holly had an excellent morning in Rochester yesterday. The feis was well-planned, and the hosts did a great job decorating the hall for Halloween. Holly competed in three different dances and ended up placing for each of her dances – third, second, and third! The rest of the team did well too, so there were lots of smiling parents and kids yesterday!


Connor had his cross-country banquet on Thursday. It was another bittersweet moment, as he had to listen to how well the rest of the team did and was faced yet again with proof of his poor performance this season. However, he was recognized for his leadership and was able to celebrate his time as a co-captain.

The rest of his time this week has been spent inside the school’s theater as part of the pit orchestra for this year’s musical. This upcoming week is the last week before the performances, so he will be getting to know the confines of that pit orchestra very well by the time next Sunday comes. It will be his biggest time management challenge to date, so it will be interesting to see how he does.

Speaking of challenges, this week will also be one for me. Not only is it month-end close for me this week, but it is also the biggest week for budget planning for me with a key due date for that also on Friday. I am really looking forward to getting through this week because I know it will be behind me.

Here are past posts from the last week in case you missed them the first time:

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday. Have a great week, and I’ll see you back here next week!