Sunday Reflections – 28 August 2022

By Whatsheread

Reading:  The Weight of Blood by Tiffany D. Jackson

Listening:  The Collapsing Empire by John Scalzi

Watching:  Junior Bake Off is now on Netflix!! I discovered it when I was having a particularly bad week, so it came at the perfect time. Liam and Rav are two of the best judges; they are so generous, kind, and inspirational. Why can’t we all be like that?

Cooking:  I’ve been subscribing to Blue Apron for several months now, and I like it. I like that I don’t have to hit the grocery store that much. The recipes have mostly been successes with some misses, but I’ve learned which ones to ignore and which to pick. The serving sizes are perfect for just Jim and me as well. So this week saw me making a three-cheese and caramelized onion pizza, spicy Italian sausage and pepper subs, prosciutto focaccia sandwiches, and chicken enchiladas. Delicious!

Enjoying:  I’ve been working out for almost a year now, and my workouts remain the highlights of my week. It helps that my trainer became my friend. In fact, Jim and I are at a local summer Renaissance Faire with my trainer/friend and her husband as you read this. I’ve gotten to the point where I can see muscle again and know that I am much stronger and healthier than last year. Going each time and pushing myself to lift or do more is almost intoxicating.

Planning:  We bought plane tickets and reserved a cottage outside Edinburgh for four days. Jim is still searching for a place to stay in London, and we are working out our plans. Right now, all we know is that we fly into London, will be driving to Edinburgh after landing, and spending the night in our rental cottage before we take Holly to Dundee and get her settled into her flat. Her welcome week officially starts on the 19th. Our plan is for Jim and me to stick around Scotland for a few days just in case we forgot something or she discovers she needs something else. Then, we will head down to London and see some sites. We are all excited even as we are a bit nervous and scared.

Feeling: I am going through a rough patch mentally, so my emotions are all over the place right now. My doctor added another medication to my regimen, and she finally prescribed a legit migraine medication instead of having me rely on Excedrin Migraine all the time. I am supremely thankful for my therapist, who was able to fit in an emergency session when I was in an anxiety spiral. I know I will get through this because I’ve been doing the work and learning more about what makes me tick. Still, I hate feeling this way.