Sunday Reflections – 26 March 2023

By Whatsheread

Reading:  The Blood Gift by N. E. Davenport

Listening:  The Midnight Library by Matt Haig

Watching:  Jim has been gone this week, so I had to wait to watch some of our shows. I did finish Daisy Jones and the Six and Shadow and Bone. The first I loved, but the latter was not as its first season. I am not a fan of them putting four books into one season, and the acting by one main character is laughably awful. Ah well.

Cooking: I really detest cooking when there is only me. If someone has some good ideas for one-person meals that do not require a lot of prep, a lot to clean up, or a ton of leftovers, I am most definitely open to them.

Enjoying: Since Jim was busy this week playing around at a trade show for pets and then picking up my new car in Texas, I opted to enjoy myself a bit. I let the house duties slide a bit and spent my afternoons reading or updating my planners for April. As much as the dogs would allow me, that is. I enjoyed the chance to sit and not feel a need to be doing something useful.

Feeling: Holly has a return date, and it is so close. I am ready for her to be home again. Even if she is gone all the time working or out with friends, it will be nice knowing she at least has to come home to change clothes or ask to borrow a car.