Sunday Reflections – 23 October 2016 – And Now We Rest

By Whatsheread

Happy Sunday!!

The sun is shining. The house is clean. And we have no where we have to be today. We officially made it through the fall season.

Connor did not have a good cross-country season, but he has already put it past him and is focusing on his next challenge. Jim and he signed up to run a marathon in January, so he will be putting in some long training hours for that. He is also looking forward to the track season in spring as a chance to redeem his poor performance this fall.

Holly did have a good cross-country season, improving her times with each run and finishing up breaking the goal she set for herself at the beginning of the season. She may not be the fastest runner, but she is showed consistent improvement and a thorough enjoyment of the sport. I look forward to seeing how she does next season!

The marching band had an excellent season and placed third in state for their division! This is the first time they have ever placed, so the excitement among the kids was so much fun to watch. I never thought I would say it, but I am definitely going to miss watching the band compete next year.

It was such a bittersweet season. It was the first of many lasts, and both Jim and I fought to maintain our composure at times. It never got old hearing Connor’s name announced as a drum major, and the pride he took at being both that and cross-country captain was inspiring. Yet, we know that this time next year, our life will be a bit emptier without him. Unfathomable and yet not. We will have many lasts as the school year progresses, and I can only imagine it will not get easier.

Now that we do not have cross-country and marching band to fill up our weekends, we are focusing on regaining some semblance of sanity and regular schedule. Holly’s competition rehearsals started in earnest a few weeks ago, but as she only has two dances it has proven to be a relatively easy schedule. Next Saturday, she has her second Irish dance competition, so we will be heading to Rochester, Michigan Friday night. We have more girls competing this time around, and I look forward to watching all of the girls perform next weekend.

In case you missed it, yesterday was the readathon. As a reward to myself for getting through the season, I absolutely did participate and enjoyed every minute of it. This year, I had a plan for how I wanted to proceed, which helped immensely. I ended up reading in some form for 14.5 hours, went for a walk, took a nap, finished a cross-stitch project, and even found time to watch a football game. I ended up reading a total of 830 pages and listening to an audiobook for over 6 hours and finally called it a night around 3:30 AM after having gotten up at 7 AM. I don’t feel any readathon hangover either. Total win.

Here are past posts from the last few weeks in case you missed them the first time:

  • It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 3 October 2016
  • Wonder Women
  • In a Dark, Dark Wood
  • Fabulous Friday – 7 October 2016
  • It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 10 October 2016
  • It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? – 17 October 2016
  • Mischling
  • Stalking Jack the Ripper
  • Fall Readathon – All the prepping!
  • Fabulous Friday – 21 October 2016
  • All the Readathon-ing All Day!

And now, I am going to just relax. Maybe do a little planning. Maybe finish my audiobook. Who knows? Because again, I have no obligations today, and it is pure bliss.

Have a great Sunday, everyone! I’ll see you back here next week!